The Ultimate Guide to Building a Job Portal in 2024

Guide to Building a Job Portal

Online portals are a great way to connect employers and job seekers with limited time & resources. But this process goes in vain when the job portal does not have a user-friendly interface or necessary features for job seekers and employers.

With most job portals failing to satisfy the needs of employers and job seekers, you have the opportunity to fill the market gap. Even if you don't have technical knowledge, you can always reach out to a job portal development company for help.

You must also read this blog to gain a complete understanding of building a job portal in 2024. We will discuss:

  • Job portal market statistics
  • Essential features to build a job portal app
  • How to create a job portal?
  • Types of job portals
  • How much does it cost to build a job portal?
  • Revenue models of a job portal

Let’s get started!

Job Portal Market Statistics

Global Recruitment Software Market Insights

Most Popular Job Portals

The most visited job and employment websites in 2024 are:

  • - with an average of 8.65 pages visited per user
  • - with 830+ million professionals using the platform
  • Facebook - used by 66% of companies for recruiting

Fastest Growing Job Search Sites

From January 2021 to March 2023, several job search sites worldwide experienced remarkable growth in traffic:

  • - 637.1% growth
  • - 181.9% growth
  • - 181.1% growth
  • - 167.1% growth
  • - 157% growth
Fastest Growing Job Search Sites

India is the top country with the highest usage of job portals in 2024. Followed by the USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Germany, Spain, Poland, Portugal, and France.

Essential Features to Build a Job Portal App

Follow this step-by-step guide to develop a DoorDash clone app:

Essential Features to Build a Job Portal App

Before we answer the question “How to create a job portal website,” let’s discuss the features that you must add to the job portal. These features will make your portal user-friendly, improving your success rate in the market.

Here are the must-have features:

1. Save Jobs

Job portals should have a “save jobs” feature, allowing users to save their preferred jobs that they have already browsed through and refer to them again later. It encourages users to revisit the job they are interested in applying for.

2. Advanced Filters

This feature helps users find the type of job they are genuinely interested in. You can leverage advanced AI technology to create a job portal with filter options. Users can easily narrow down their search by combining the power of advanced features and search choices.

3. Job Analytics

Job portal users can use job analytics to evaluate user profiles, job profiles, and resume databases and share them with third parties. Thanks to the employer analytics tool, the admin can monitor and analyze the list of employers utilizing the job portal's services.

4. Resume Builder

Thanks to the advanced functionality of the integrated resume builder, job seekers can quickly create and format professional-level resumes. Users can create profiles and upload resumes to highlight their knowledge and skills.

5. Job Search and Filtering

Job seekers can use the job search feature and filters like region, industry, job title, experience level, and income range to find the best opportunities. The advanced filtering feature makes it easy for users to find relevant opportunities.

6. Social Media Integration

It's imperative to consider social media integration when creating an SEO-friendly website. Why? Because social media visibility directly impacts reaching the right candidates. This feature also makes it easy for users to share any potential job opening with friends or family via platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp.

7. Multilingualism

English is a widely spoken language throughout the world. But when you include a multilingualism feature in your job portal, you motivate users to find jobs in their regional language. This can be a differentiating factor for your job portal, helping it survive the market competition.

8. User-Friendly Interface

When creating a job portal, focus on having a user-friendly interface. Remember that not all of your users are tech-savvy. Thus, keep the features simple and easy to navigate.

How to Create a Job Portal?

Follow this step-by-step guide to develop a robust and user-friendly job portal:

steps to create a job portal

Step 1: Define Your Goals

This step requires you to determine your goal and target audience. You must start by deciding on the type of job site you want to build. It's necessary for you to establish a clear goal before you proceed with the development.

Step 2: Conduct Market Analysis

Market research is necessary to understand the needs and requirements of your target audience. You must thoroughly analyze and evaluate the selling points of the current top recruiting apps to maximize the functionality of your job portal.

Step 3: Determine Your Features Requirements

As per your research, define your feature requirements—whether your job portal needs basic features or advanced ones. The type of feature you choose will ultimately determine the success rate of your job portal.

Step 4: Choose Tech Stack

Next, you need to decide on the type of tech stack that will work best for your job portal. Technology plays an essential role in determining development expertise, security, and scalability.

Step 5: Design User Interface

Choose a design style and framework to create a visually appealing UI/UX design. Your priority should be offering a smooth user experience to both companies and job seekers.

Step 6: Third-Party Implementation

Integrate your job portal with third-party services such as social media platforms, email service providers, payment gateways, and analytics tools to offer the best possible experience to your users.

Step 7: Implement Security Measures

Enhance the security of your job portal by implementing security measures such as data encryption, safe authentication techniques, frequent security audits, and adherence to data laws.

Step 8: Perform Testing

Before launching your job portal, perform thorough testing to find potential bugs, errors, and usability issues. Fix the issues and proceed with the launch to offer a better experience to your users.

Step 9: Launch and Deployment

Deploy your job portal on a reliable hosting platform to make sure its scalability, performance, and reliability are not compromised.

Step 10: Maintenance

The last step is the continuous maintenance of your job portal. To differentiate your job portal in the competitive market, identify its maintenance requirements and implement this procedure—answer questions from users, add new features, resolve issues, and maintain platform security.

Types of Job Portals

Don’t know what kind of job portal you want to develop? No worries!

We have researched and listed the most popular job portals:

Types of Job Portals

1. Basic Job Portals

Basic job portals offer diverse job ads across different sectors, catering to the needs of various industries and job types. Common examples include ZipRecruiter, Glassdoor, and Indeed.

These job portals have numerous job postings, easy-to-use features, employer services, job alerts & notifications, and resume-building resources.

2. Niche Job Portals

Niche job portals are designed to meet the individual requirements of a particular sector, occupation, or demographic. Common examples include Idealist, Dice, and Specialized features on niche employment portals help consumers concentrate on a single issue.

3. Freelance Platforms

You can develop a freelance job portal to connect freelancers seeking short-term projects with clients. This kind of platform mainly focuses on facilitating smooth communication, payment procedures, and project management. Common examples include Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr.

4. Remote Job Portals

Remote job portals focus on remote job opportunities, allowing people to work from any location with a stable connection. Job seekers can be part-time workers and look for flexible work opportunities to work remotely.

5. Government Job Portals

Government organizations run government job portals and provide a list of available positions in the public sector. Common examples include USAJOBS (USA), Civil Service Jobs (UK), and MyGov (India). The major focus of these platforms is to serve the nation, and not to earn money.

6. Internship Job Portals

The primary goal of internship job portals is to help individuals find internship opportunities. It is designed especially for college students, so they can apply what they have learned.

Internship job portals connect students with companies that offer learning opportunities. Individuals can find temporary jobs here that can help in their career preparation.

How Much Does It Cost to Build a Job Portal?

As you now know the features and steps to create a job portal in 2024, your next question can be related to cost and time.

The average job portal website development cost can range from $20,000 to $60,000. But this cost can be influenced by factors like platform, development team, tech stack, website design, and complexity.

Here’s the time estimation for creating a job portal:

cost to build a job portal

Revenue Models of a Job Portal

Once you have developed your job portal, you can follow these monetization strategies to earn money:

Revenue Models of a Job Portal

1. Job Posting Fees

This is the most common type of model to earn money via job portals. Remember that every job board has its rules, which you need to follow before deciding on the job posting fees.

2. Subscription Fees

Businesses pay a monthly subscription fee to the job portal to help them find ideal individuals. This is a convenient way to hire candidates. You can create custom plans for these employers.

3. Career Services Fees

You can charge career service fees for offering professional consulting services to job seekers. Categorize the plan into different ranges, depending on the type of consulting that you provide.

4. Referral Programs

Referral programs provide your most loyal users with a commission. This program also serves as a first step in connecting you with the most prominent users. If someone has used your job portal to find a candidate or land their ideal position, you can ask them to recommend it to others.

5. Advertisement Revenue

Many popular websites, like Glassdoor and LinkedIn, implement advertisement models. Here, you make money by displaying ads from third-party marketers to drive visitors to your website.

6. Data Monetization

You can analyze a large amount of data and help companies find the best applicant for their business via this model. It is important to remember that data collection and analysis can only occur if website users have given their consent.

How Can Protonshub Help You Develop a Job Portal?

When building a job portal, you need to consider several aspects, but your main focus should be on user-friendly design. You must also hire a company like Protonshub Technologies to answer your question about how to create a job website.

Our team of professionals has vast experience in developing job portals. We closely collaborate with the clients to understand their requirements and use the best tech stack to turn their ideas into a reality.

So, don’t wait anymore. Reach out to us today with your job portal development requirements. We will be happy to help!

Frequently Asked Questions

Challenges in job portal development include ensuring data security, optimizing platform performance, integrating AI for personalized recommendations, handling high traffic volumes, adapting to mobile compatibility, and staying updated with evolving recruitment trends.

A successful job portal should have user-friendly navigation, advanced search filters, personalized job recommendations, resume upload capabilities, and seamless communication channels between job seekers and recruiters.

The time required to develop a job portal depends on various factors like scope, project requirements, and complexity. On average, developing a job portal can take several months to several years.

Building a job portal involves using technologies like AI for candidate matching, cloud services for scalability, data analytics for insights, mobile app development for accessibility, and robust security measures to protect user data.

Job portals can ensure a seamless user experience by focusing on intuitive design, personalized recommendations, efficient communication channels, and quick response times.

Tushar Pal

Tushar Pal

"President and Co-Founder"

Tushar Pal is a captivating wordsmith who weaves intricate narratives and thought-provoking tales. With a passion for exploring the depths of human emotion and the complexities of the human experience, he effortlessly guides readers through richly textured worlds that linger in the mind long after the final page is turned.