Shopify vs. WooCommerce: Which Platform is Right for Your Business?

Comparison between Shopify and WooCommerce platforms to help businesses choose the right e-commerce solution

You're ready to take your business online and start selling your products or services worldwide. But with so many e-commerce platforms out there, how do you choose the one that's perfect for your needs?

In this blog, we'll discuss everything about Shopify vs WooCommerce to help you decide which one can be your business's new best friend.

eCommerce Platform Market Share

Shopify has a 17% higher conversion rate than WooCommerce, resulting in more sales and revenue for your business. With an average total cost of ownership of 36% lower than WooCommerce, Shopify simplifies your setup and enhances your operational efficiency. In contrast, WooCommerce powers over 5.66 million websites, highlighting its flexibility and popularity.

We will discuss:

  • WooCommerce vs. Shopify: An overview
  • WooCommerce vs. Shopify: pros and cons
  • Detailed comparison of WooCommerce vs. Shopify
  • Tips to choose the right e-commerce platform

Let’s get started!

WooCommerce vs. Shopify: An Overview

WooCommerce vs. Shopify

Shopify is a standalone platform that requires no coding or hosting knowledge. Whereas, WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin.

Wondering what is better Shopify or WooCommerce? Let’s compare both of these platforms to understand their differences:

What is WooCommerce?

Launched in 2011, WooCommerce has over 6.2 million users. This platform has rapidly grown in popularity within the e-commerce sector and is currently the most widely used e-commerce solution.

This popularity is the result of powerful features, a user-friendly interface, and unlimited customization options offered by WooCommerce. The fact that your online business can be operated with WordPress, is what makes it so fantastic.

You can install the open-source WooCommerce plugin to your WordPress application to make it an online store. You can quickly set up an online store by installing the WooCommerce plugin on your WordPress website.

What is Shopify?

Shopify is not an open-source platform, but it offers a range of features to meet different needs. The platform charges a monthly fee in addition to a commission on each transaction.

Shopify makes it simple for novices to create an online store from scratch without requiring them to have coding knowledge. But customization can call for expert help.

Overall, Shopify is known for its user-friendly platform and is considered the standard for other e-commerce platforms.

WooCommerce vs. Shopify: Pros and Cons

Both of these platforms have pros and cons. It's your responsibility as a store owner to select the right platform based on your work style, business strategy, market scenario, and other factors.

Let's discuss each platform's advantages and disadvantages in more detail:

WooCommerce: Pros

Advantages of WooCommerce

1. Open Source

The platform WooCommerce is open-source. Technically skilled people can customize anything they want. Additionally, the plugin's producers release updates regularly.

2. Cost-Effective

Since it's a free WordPress plugin, the initial costs are low. To get started, you can get a domain name and reliable WooCommerce hosting as both WooCommerce and WordPress are free to use.

3. WordPress Integration and Plugins

As WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin, users may take advantage of WordPress' robust content management features. Additionally, there is a sizable library of WooCommerce-compatible plugins in different areas like payment gateways, security, backups, and SEO.

4. Customizable

You can design a highly customized online store if you have access to the code and a large developer community. But you might require some technical help with it.

WooCommerce: Cons

Disadvantages of WooCommerce

1. Compatibility Issues

It can be difficult to keep the plugins updated along with the website. But your store can update automatically when you use self-updating tools. It even rejects updates from certain plugins if they interfere with the store.

2. Requires Technical Knowledge

You will require some technical know-how if you wish to have a highly personalized store. Hiring technical support will allow you to get over this obstacle.

3. No Customer Support

Users are not provided with any support from WooCommerce. But you can get assistance from the vast community of WooCommerce users.

Shopify: Pros

Advantages of Shopify

1. Themes and Templates

Shopify offers an extensive selection of fully configurable templates that are suitable for a wide range of business needs.

2. User-Friendly Interface

Shopify has a clear dashboard, which makes setting up and running a store simple for users. Although Shopify can be limited in many ways, its simple setup is noteworthy.

3. Integrated Payment Gateway

Through Shopify payments, merchants can accept credit cards without third-party accounts. Shopify also supports other payment gateways. It's an excellent option for merchants who want to operate the business without worrying much about payment gateway integrations.

4. 24/7 Customer Support

Shopify offers 24/7 customer support via email, phone, and chat. So, if you ever get stuck, the support team will help you.

Shopify: Cons

Disadvantages of Shopify

1. Customization Limitations

Users may need to hire a developer or become familiar with Shopify's templating language, Liquid, to make advanced customizations.

2. Cost

When you consider the monthly fee, transaction fee, and paid apps, Shopify can be costly. Not to mention, you need to hire a developer for special customizations, which will add to the overall cost.

3. Platform Lock-In

It might be difficult to switch from Shopify to another platform, especially if you have extensively used Shopify-only features or apps.

Detailed Comparison of WooCommerce vs. Shopify

Here’s a detailed comparison of Shopify vs. WordPress WooCommerce:

comparison of WooCommerce and Shopify e-commerce platforms for businesses

1. Scalability

Scalability is crucial for expanding your e-commerce business. If your e-commerce platform is unable to keep up with the growing volume of orders, your business will suffer. Here’s a comparison of WooCommerce and Shopify in terms of scalability:


The scalability of WooCommerce depends on the hosting provider. The better your hosting company is, the more powerful your WooCommerce store will become. But it also means that your hosting expenses will increase, making WooCommerce costly.


Shopify handles technical issues, like site hosting, making it easier to manage large stores and bulk orders. Scaling up with Shopify is also very simple. All you need to do is upgrade to a more expensive plan as your company expands.

Shopify provides a one-stop shop solution, saving you from the trouble of looking for a reliable hosting company, an e-commerce theme, and the need to hire a technical team.

Winner: In terms of scalability, Shopify is the clear winner because it is a hosted platform that takes care of all the technical aspects..

2. Integrations and Add-ons

You need to add more functionalities to your online store as it grows. With WooCommerce and Shopify, you get many integrations and add-on options. Here’s a comparison of WooCommerce and Shopify in terms of integrations:


WooCommerce offers vast plugins and extension options due to its open-source nature and WordPress integration. The WordPress repository has a large number of free WooCommerce extensions and add-ons that are simple to locate and download. WooCommerce also offers add-ons at; some are free, while others have a one-time cost.


Shopify's app store offers a vast collection of add-ons. Few of the add-ons are free, but others require monthly subscriptions or a one-time premium charge. Shopify provides add-ons for almost every function you need.

Winner: WooCommerce is a winner due to its extensive collection of plugins and extensions. It provides users with more customization and flexibility choices. As Shopify is proprietary, the number of integrations available to users is limited.

Build your Shopify store today

3. Dropshipping

With the dropshipping business model, online stores can act as a mediator between customers and vendors. Online stores can operate without holding an inventory.

To run a dropshipping business successfully, you need an e-commerce platform designed specifically for this kind of business. Shopify and WooCommerce are two excellent platforms for dropshipping. Let's discuss which one is better:


With WooCommerce, installing and integrating extensions becomes easier, making it a popular platform for dropshipping. You can find several dropshipping extensions on the WordPress repository and third-party extensions by searching for "WooCommerce dropshipping extensions."

The best third-party WooCommerce extensions are:

  • AliDropship
  • DropshipMe
  • WooDropship
  • YouDroop


Shopify is a great dropshipping platform, offering a range of add-ons and extensions to help you optimize your store. The top Shopify dropshipping extensions are:

  • Spocket
  • Ali Orders AliExpress Dropship
  • MIIUT ‑ Unlimited Dropshipping
  • CJDropshipping

Furthermore, Shopify has integrations with other dropshipping marketplaces like Printify, Oberlo, and AliExpress.

Winner: Shopify and WooCommerce are both excellent choices for managing a dropshipping company. However, WooCommerce has a small advantage because it offers a high degree of customization and plugins. While Shopify also provides customization options, they are limited.

4. Level of Security

Your online store’s security directly impacts the experience of your customers. Let's discuss the security performance of these two platforms:


For WooCommerce stores, the WordPress CMS is where things get exciting. You can install several plugins to give your stores tight security. Your possible choices for the plugins are:

  • MalCare Security Solution
  • iThemes Security
  • Sucuri Security
  • All In One WP Security & Firewall
  • Wordfence

Plus, having secure WooCommerce hosting can offer solid additional layers of security to your WooCommerce store.


Shopify is a secured platform that complies with PCI standards. It means users can browse safely with Shopify stores.

But your options will get limited, and you'll have to depend on the platform to upgrade its security standards. Additionally, Shopify is not a self-hosted platform, which means you can't use your hosting provider to increase the security of the store.

Winner: In terms of security, WooCommerce is the obvious winner. Because it offers more control over the store's security. While Shopify has a respectable security system in place, there isn't much leeway. On the other hand, WooCommerce offers excellent security and hosting options, allowing you to have tight security.

5. Cost

When launching an online store, it is essential to know how much WooCommerce vs Shopify costs. Let's discuss the cost of these two platforms:


Compared to Shopify, WooCommerce is affordable because it is a free WordPress plugin. But you need to pay extra charges for hosting packages, plugins, and themes.

For instance, a premium theme can cost anywhere from $30 to $300 or more per month. Plugins and add-ons can cost you around $50. Keep in mind that these prices may increase depending on your requirements


When you use Shopify, you don't have to worry about paying for third-party hosting, themes, or plugins because everything is included in your pricing plan.

However, pricing options range from $9 to $299 each month. Also, Shopify charges a transaction fee for sales made through third-party payment processors. Advanced pricing plans may include features you don't require, costing you money for resources you don't use.

Winner: WooCommerce is an economical choice because it is free and doesn't impose transaction fees. But it includes other expenses, like hosting, themes, and plugins. In contrast, Shopify offers everything you need for your business. But as your business grows, the cost will increase. So, the winner depends on your specific needs and budget.

Tips to Choose the Right E-commerce Platform

Selecting the best e-commerce platform can be difficult, especially if you don't know what to look for. You can consider the following important factors to make an informed decision:

Key factors to consider when selecting the right e-commerce platform for your business

1. Ease of Use

Your focus should be on business-related duties such as receiving feedback from customers, handling orders, and interacting with suppliers.

For this, you need an e-commerce platform that makes setting up and running your online store simple. Online store owners who value ease of use can choose WooCommerce because it simplifies e-commerce payment processing.

2. Third-Party Integration

E-mail marketing and social media platforms are just two of the many services and tools needed to run an online store. Select an online storefront that can be seamlessly integrated with these technologies.

3. Scalability and Growth

Your e-commerce platform must support your company rather than limit it. Make sure the scalability and customization features of your e-commerce platform allow you to grow your company the way you like.

4. Customization

Every e-commerce store must consider the user interface because it creates a lasting first impression on visitors.

While WooCommerce lacks a theme store, marketplaces like ThemeForest offer beautiful and useful themes. Your selected theme must be responsive and lightweight so users can have a seamless experience across all platforms.

5. User Friendly

User-friendliness plays a crucial role when selecting an e-commerce platform. While WooCommerce is simple to use and customizable, you would need professional developers to apply advanced customization.

Similarly, Shopify's drag-and-drop interface makes setting up a store easy. However, more technical knowledge is needed for complex modifications.

How Can Protonshub Technologies Help You Build an E-commerce Website?

As you have reached the end of this blog, I assume you know the advantages of Shopify over WooCommerce and vice versa.

Whether you choose Shopify or WooCommerce, Protonshub Technologies can help you elevate your e-commerce journey. Our experts deliver innovative solutions customized to your specific needs. We ensure that your online store is not only visually appealing but also highly functional and user-friendly.

We understand the complexities of both platforms and can guide you in making the right choice for your business growth. As your trusted tech partner, we are committed to providing ongoing support and cutting-edge strategies to help you thrive in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Ready to take the next step? Contact us today to discuss how we can help you build a robust e-commerce website that meets your business goals and exceeds customer expectations.

Let’s turn your vision into reality!

Frequently Asked Questions

Shopify and WordPress have diverse uses in the e-commerce industry. WordPress is a feature-rich CMS that offers customization options but requires extra plugins, like WooCommerce. On the other hand, Shopify is a specialized e-commerce platform that is easy to use and has built-in capabilities for quick setup and management.

For small businesses, the best e-commerce platforms are Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce. Shopify offers an easy setup and is ideal for beginners, while WooCommerce provides high customization for WordPress users. BigCommerce is great for businesses looking to scale quickly. Each platform has unique features. So, the best choice depends on your specific needs and budget.

Shopify is simpler to set up than WooCommerce. With Shopify's user-friendly interface and all-in-one solution, users can start a store in just a few clicks. In contrast, WooCommerce requires more technical know-how and extra tasks for selecting a hosting company and installing plugins.

Both WooCommerce and Shopify offer security features but differ in implementation. Shopify is a hosted platform that includes built-in security measures like SSL certificates and PCI compliance, ensuring a secure environment for transactions. In contrast, WooCommerce requires users to manage their security, including hosting and additional plugins, making it more complex for store owners to ensure full protection.

WooCommerce and Shopify offer a variety of payment options. For instance, WooCommerce supports PayPal, Stripe, and many other payment gateways through plugins, allowing for extensive customization. Whereas Shopify provides its own payment solution, Shopify Payments, and integrates with 100+ third-party gateways but charges extra fees for using them.

Ekta Singh

"Senior Content Writer"

Ekta Singh is a rookie food experimentalist and k-drama fan with 4+ years of experience in writing. Bridging gaps between companies and customers through conversion-driven content is her forte. She believes in writing stories for a living and living life for exploring places.