How to Develop a Mobile App Like Zalando

How to Develop a Mobile App Like Zalando

The online fashion retail market is rapidly growing, with global sales expected to cross $1 trillion by 2025. This growth has resulted from more consumers choosing the convenience of online shopping, particularly on mobile devices.

With mobile shopping growing, over 70% of online fashion sales happen on mobile platforms, highlighting the need for businesses to invest in robust mobile apps to improve user experience and boost sales.s

Zalando, the largest online fashion retailer in Europe, is a major player in the growing online fashion market. Zalando has successfully connected over 24 million active customers with more than 2,000 popular brands.

With over 70% of its traffic coming from its mobile app, the company has made great progress in optimizing it. Zalando’s focus on improving user engagement and creating smooth shopping experiences has made it a leader in mobile app development within the fashion industry.

Net sales of Zalando

If you are an entrepreneur and want to develop a mobile app like Zalando, you are in the right place. This blog will discuss the necessary steps required to create high-conversion mobile apps that help you stay competitive in the landscape:

  • Business model of Zalando
  • How much does it cost to develop an app like Zalando?
  • Factors affecting Zalando clone app development cost
  • Cost considerations for developing an app like Zalando
  • Features to include in the Zalando clone app
  • Steps to build the Zalando clone app

Let’s get started!

Business Model of Zalando

Zalando uses an e-commerce platform to connect buyers and sellers in the fashion and lifestyle industry. The site uses a variety of strategies to generate revenue:

1. Product Sales

One of Zalando's main sources of revenue is directly selling fashion and lifestyle products to customers.

2. Services for Third-Party Vendors

Zalando allows third-party retailers to list and sell their products on its platform in exchange for commissions and fees.

3. High-end Services

Zalando offers premium services that generate additional revenue streams, such as Zalando Plus, a reward program that requires a subscription.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App Like Zalando?

Developing a shopping app like Zalando requires a good amount of investment because it involves building a complex platform with multiple features and integrations. The development costs can vary greatly based on factors such as how complicated the app is, where the development team is located, and the specific features you want to include.

Ideally, the development cost can be between $100,000 and $500,000 or more. This estimate covers the entire process, including design, development, testing, launch, ongoing maintenance, and updates. The final cost can vary based on the specific needs of the project.

Factors Affecting Zalando Clone App Development Cost

Common factors affecting the cost to develop an app like Zalando are:

factors affecting the cost to develop an app like Zalando

1. Features and Functions

Adding more features to your app can make it more expensive. Features like personalized recommendations, virtual try-on tools, or integrating a second-hand marketplace can increase the cost.

2. Technology Stack

The tech stack you choose impacts the cost of developing an app like Zalando. It includes the backend systems, mobile development tools, and payment processing mechanisms, creating the overall user experience.

3. Deve­lopment Team Location

You can save money by outsourcing developers from areas with lower labor costs. However, you must carefully evaluate how this might affect communication and the quality of the project.

4. Design and Use­r Experience

An app's success depends heavily on its design and user experience. The more visually appealing and user-friendly an app is, the more users it will attract. While custom UI/UX design and complex animations improve the experience, they also add to the cost of app development.

5. App Maintenance and Updates

Maintaining and updating an app can increase the overall development cost. After developing an app like Zalando, you need to keep it updated, secure, and bug-free.

Cost Considerations for Developing an App Like Zalando

To give you a better idea of the costs, here's a breakdown of the main parts of the development process and how much they cost:

Cost Breakdown To Build an App Like Zalando

1. Project Planning and Research

Before development starts, spend time and resources on planning and researching for your app. This involves identifying your target audience, doing market research, and outlining the app's features. This step can cost between $5,000 and $15,000, depending on how complex the project is.

2. Front-End and Back-End Development

Front-end development creates the user-facing parts of the app, while back-end development builds the server-side systems, database, and APIs. Front-end and back-end development can cost between $50,000 and $200,000 or more, depending on how complex the app is and how many features it has.

3. Design and Prototyping

The design phase focuses on creating the app's visual elements, like the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). This includes wireframing, prototyping, and making detailed mockups. Design and prototyping costs can range from $10,000 to $50,000, depending on how complex and customized the project is.

4. Testing and QA

Testing and QA ensure that your app works properly and offers a smooth user experience. This phase involves checking for bugs, performance issues, and compatibility on various devices and platforms. Testing and QA can cost between $10,000 and $30,000.

5. Deployment and Launch

After the app is developed and tested, it needs to be submitted to the app stores and launched for the public. This phase includes submitting the app, setting up analytics, and preparing marketing materials. The cost for deployment and launch can range from $5,000 to $15,000.

6. Post-Launch Maintenance and Updates

Ongoing maintenance and updates keep your app running well and ensure its long-term success. The cost for maintenance and updates after launch can range from $10,000 to $50,000 per year, depending on how often and how complex the updates are.

Features to Include in the Zalando Clone App

When developing an app similar to Zalando, you must add a wide range of features, like:

Features of Zalando Clone App

1. User Registration and Profiles

A smooth registration process allows users to create profiles easily. These profiles serve as a central place for storing personalization, preferences, and order history. This information helps customize product recommendations, leading to a better and more engaging shopping experience.

2. User Reviews and Ratings

User reviews and ratings build community and trust. Your potential customers can gain necessary insights from real user experiences, helping them make informed decisions.

3. Product Listings and Search

Include product listings and search features to make navigation easy for users. Your search tool must go beyond simple keyword searches. It must offer filters for brand, size, color, and other important factors so users can easily find specific products in the large selection.

4. User Notifications

Push notifications keep users informed and engaged. Whether it's getting updates on their order status, learning about the latest promotions, or receiving personalized offers, user notifications help create a positive and interactive user experience.

5. Shopping Cart and Checkout

The shopping cart feature makes it easy for users to go from selecting products to completing their purchases. Users can manage their items, ensuring a secure and efficient checkout process. With various payment options and clear order summaries and confirmations, the shopping cart must offer a smooth and hassle-free checkout experience.

6. Wishlist and Favorites

Your Zalando-like app must include a wishlist feature so users can create a personalized collection of desired items. Users receive notifications about price drops or item availability, which enhances their engagement and satisfaction.

7. Personalized Recommendations

Use advanced recommendation algorithms to offer personalized recommendations to users based on their behavior, past purchases, and current trends. This feature will improve the overall shopping experience, helping users discover new items and creating a more customized experience.

Develop Mobile App Like Zalando

8. Order Tracking

Users can track their orders in real-time to stay informed. The feature provides updates on the status of orders, including processing, shipping, and estimated delivery times. This improves customer satisfaction after the purchase.

9. Multi-Language Support

Include a multi-language feature in your app so it recognizes a diverse user base and provides them support in multiple languages. This feature ensures that users from around the world can enjoy a personalized and inclusive experience.

10. Security Features

Include security features so your app prioritizes protecting user data through secure payment methods, SSL encryption, and 2FA. These measures guarantee the safety of sensitive information and build trust among users.

11. Returns and Refunds

Include an easy return feature in your app with clear refund policies and easy returns. This way, your app can build confidence and trust among its users.

12. Shop the Look Feature

Shop the Look feature includes a curated look section that showcases complete outfits for purchase. This feature makes it easy for users to buy an entire outfit at once, appealing to those looking for a cohesive and stylish collection of items.

13. Social Media Integration

The order tracking feature keeps shoppers informed about the status of their purchases. It provides regular updates on processing, shipping, and estimated delivery dates, ensuring transparency and enhancing customer satisfaction.

14. Augmented Reality (AR) Try-On

AR technology allows online shoppers to virtually try on outfits using their devices before making a purchase. This interactive feature increases user engagement and provides a unique experience that brings the products to life. Customers can see how clothing items look on themselves in real-time, helping them assess fit and style from the comfort of their homes.

15. Size Recommendations

Include a size recommendations feature in your app. It uses advanced algorithms to recommend sizes based on user preferences and past purchases. This feature greatly improves size selection accuracy, reducing the chances of returns due to incorrect sizing.

Steps to Build the Zalando Clone App

Follow these steps to create a robust app like Zalando:

Steps to Build the Zalando Clone App

1. Understand Your Requirements

Before starting the Zalando-like app development process, clearly understand your business needs. Determine the goals and target users of your app. Also, identify what makes your app unique.

2. Search the Market

Carefully research the market to understand customer needs and trends. Analyze other companies, see what they provide, and find ways to offer unique services.

3. Choose Features

Carefully select features that align with your app's goals. Include elements like customer profiles, product listings, shopping carts, and checkout to make your app stand out from others.

4. Develop the App

Partner with a reputable e-commerce mobile app development company to turn your vision into reality. Their skilled developers have the expertise to create a functional and visually appealing app. Make sure the development process aligns with your business goals.

5. Test and Launch the App

Thoroughly test the app to find and fix any bugs or technical problems. This step guarantees a smooth user experience and enhances the app's overall quality. After testing is done, launch the app on platforms like the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

6. Post-Launch Strategies

Use post-launch strategies to boost the app's visibility and user engagement after launch. One effective method is to use app store optimization (ASO) to improve search rankings. It also helps collect user feedback and quickly fix any problems by updating the app. These steps will contribute to the app's overall success.

How Protonshub Can Help You Develop an App Like Zalando?

Developing a Zalando clone app requires a strategic approach that includes market research, feature selection, and hiring a reputable e-commerce development company. You must also understand your target audience and include innovative features to meet user expectations.

To ensure your app stands out, hire Protonshub Technologies, a leading e-commerce development company known for its innovative solutions and commitment to quality. Our team excels in creating user-friendly, visually appealing apps tailored to your unique vision and business goals.

Don't miss the opportunity to elevate your brand. Contact Protonshub Technologies today and take the first step toward transforming your app idea into reality!

Frequently Asked Questions

The best technology stack for developing the Zalando clone app includes:

  • Front-end: React Native, Flutter, UI frameworks like Material UI
  • Back-end: Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Laravel
  • Database: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL
  • Other technologies: AI/ML for personalization, AR/VR for virtual try-on, blockchain for secure payments

When selecting an e-commerce development company, consider their:

  • Expertise in your industry and target platform
  • Portfolio of successful e-commerce app projects
  • Ability to integrate advanced features like AR/VR, AI, and blockchain
  • Commitment to security, performance, and scalability
  • Transparent communication and project management processes

The development timeline for a shopping app like Zalando depends on factors like:

  • Complexity of features and integrations
  • Whether you build an MVP first or a full-fledged app
  • Availability of design assets and content
  • Efficiency of the development team and project management
  • Scope of testing and debugging

On average, expect a timeline of 4-6 months for an MVP and 6-9 months for a full-featured app.

Yes, it's possible to build a shopping app on a limited budget by:

  • Prioritizing essential features for an MVP
  • Leveraging open-source technologies and frameworks
  • Outsourcing development to cost-effective regions
  • Optimizing the tech stack for performance and scalability
  • Focusing on quality over quantity of features

Essential features for a shopping app include:

  • User registration and profile management
  • Intuitive search and filtering
  • Detailed product pages with images, descriptions, and reviews
  • Add to cart and secure checkout process
  • Order tracking and push notifications
  • AR-based virtual try-on
  • Personalized recommendations
  • Seamless omnichannel experience

Ekta Singh

"Senior Content Writer"

Ekta Singh is a rookie food experimentalist and k-drama fan with 4+ years of experience in writing. Bridging gaps between companies and customers through conversion-driven content is her forte. She believes in writing stories for a living and living life for exploring places.