How to Build an App Like Netmeds

How to Build a Medicine Delivery App Like Netmeds

With the emergence of online medicine delivery apps like Netmeds, the healthcare industry has shifted towards digital solutions. These apps have changed the way people access medications by providing convenience and accessibility. People can easily place an order and receive medicines from the comfort of their homes.

But do you know what it takes to develop a Netmeds clone app? Well, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur in the healthcare sector or have an existing pharmacy business, you must know it so you can enter the digital healthcare space.

In this blog, we will discuss:

  • Market stats on the medicine delivery industry
  • Must-have features of the Netmeds clone app
  • Cost to develop medicine delivery apps like Netmeds
  • Tips to reduce the cost of building a Netmeds clone app
  • Revenue models for the Netmeds clone app

Let’s get started!

Market Stats on the Medicine Delivery Industry

The rapid increase in consumer demand for convenience and accessibility has expanded the market for online medicine delivery app like Netmed.

Below are key stats highlighting the industry’s current stats:

  • Market Size: The online pharmacy market is expected to cross 107.53 billion dollars by 2025. Likewise, the e-commerce healthcare app is likely to generate 111.1 billion dollars by the same year.
  • global ePharmacy market size
  • User Base: Almost 40% of US consumers use online pharmacies, highlighting the growing preference for contactless service.
  • Revenue Growth: By 2026, online pharmacies' revenue will cross $200 billion due to an increase in smartphone adoption and a rise in chronic disease.

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Must-Have Features of the Netmeds Clone App

If you want your Netmeds clone app to succeed, add essential features to it to streamline operations and enhance the user experience. Below are the features you can add:

Must-Have Features of the Netmeds Clone App

1. User Registration

Your Netmeds app needs a user-friendly and secure registration process for attracting and retaining users. You can include multiple authentication methods, like a phone number, email, and social media verification.

Key Features:

  • Email and Password: Include the standard registration process through email and password.
  • Phone Number: Allow users to verify their identity via OTP for secure access.
  • Social Media Login: Let users quickly log in through social media accounts like Google or Facebook.
  • Profile Management: Users can quickly manage their personal information and preferences.

Estimated Cost: $1,500 – $3,000

2. Medicine Search

Include medicine search functionality in your app so users can easily look for medicines. Your search functionality must have filters like category, price, and brand so users have better medicine access.

Key Features:

  • Search Bar: Fast searching with auto-suggestions for medicines.
  • Sorting: Allow users to sort medicine by popularity, ratings, relevance, and price.
  • Filters: Include an option to filter medicines by category, availability, price, and brand.

Estimated Cost: $2,000 – $4,000

3. Track Order

Include a real-time order tracking feature to enhance the user experience. This way, users can view the estimated arrival time and delivery status of orders.

Key Features:

  • GPS Tracking: It helps track the real-time location of the order.
  • Estimated Delivery Time: Offers accurate delivery time predictions.
  • Status Updates: Notifications for order status changes.

Estimated Cost: $2,500 – $5,000

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4. Return Policy

Create clear return policies that users can easily understand while returning products. Also, provide users with information on return conditions. It will help you build trust and ensure customer satisfaction.

Key Features:

  • Return Requests: Submit and track return requests for orders.
  • Refund Processing: Include options for refunds or exchanges.
  • Return Conditions: Provide detailed information on item eligibility and the return policy.

Estimated Cost: $1,500 – $3,000

5. Expert Counseling

Include an expert counseling feature during healthcare app development so users can consult with medical experts. It can either be a video consultation or a chat-based service.

Key Features:

  • Consultation Booking: Let users schedule appointments with medical experts.
  • Medical Records Access: Users should have access to their medical history during consultations.
  • Live Chat/Video Chats: Users can choose one of these two options to have real-time communication with healthcare professionals.

Estimated Cost: $3,000 – $5,000

6. My Order Section

Allow users to track their order history and current orders. Include functionality so users can repeat previous orders with ease. Under the “my order” section, you can provide a comprehensive view of past and ongoing transactions to users.

Key Features:

  • Order History: A thorough record of every previous order.
  • Order tracking: Give customers access to real-time order status updates.
  • Reorder Functionality: Ability to swiftly place a new order for an earlier purchase.

Estimated Cost: $2,500 – $4,500

7. Ratings and Reviews

Allow users to rate and review products and services on your platform. This feature will help you with continuous improvement and foster community trust.

Key Features:

  • Product Ratings: Customers can rate products based on their usage.
  • Review Submission: Compose thorough reviews and send them in.
  • Review Management: The administration can reply to and oversee user reviews.

Estimated Cost: $1,500 – $3,000

8. Delivery and Shipment

Offer different delivery options, like normal shipping and express delivery, with transparent costs and timelines. This feature improves user happiness and flexibility.

Key Features:

  • Delivery Options: Select from standard, express, or scheduled deliveries.
  • Pricing Details: Transparent pricing for different delivery options.
  • Delivery Tracking: Let users track delivery status and estimated arrival time.

Estimated Cost: $2,500 – $5,000

9. Discount Management

Provide discounts and promotional codes to attract and retain customers. Through this feature, you can create and manage various discounts.

Key Features:

  • Promo Codes: Create and share discount codes.
  • Discount Rules: Set terms and conditions so products can qualify for discounts.
  • Analytics: Track the performance of discount campaigns.

Estimated Cost: $2,000 – $4,000

10. Upload Prescriptions

Give consumers the option to upload prescriptions directly for verification, guaranteeing adherence to medical guidelines. It makes ordering prescription-based medications easier.

Key Features:

  • Prescription Upload: Upload a prescription using a camera, gallery, or document.
  • Verification: Safe procedure for validating prescriptions through verification.
  • Storage: Prescriptions should be stored safely for future use.

Estimated Cost: $1,800 – $3,500

The future of healthcare is on-demand. Take the first step and build your medicine delivery app!
  Consult Our Expert

Cost to Develop Medicine Delivery Apps Like Netmeds

The cost to develop a medicine delivery app like Netmeds depends on various factors like app functionalities, platform choice, development team, design and user experience, and backend infrastructure and APIs.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of key cost factors:

[Also Read - How to Make an On-Demand Medicine Delivery App Like 1mg?]

1. App Features and Functionalities

The app development cost is significantly influenced by the complexity and number of features added to the app. Essential features to include in your Netmeds clone app are:

Cots, Features, and Functionalities of Medicine Delivery Apps Like Netmeds

2. Platform Choice

Your choice between iOS, cross-platform, and Android platforms can drastically impact the cost. Here’s a quick comparison:

Cost Estimation for Medicine Delivery Apps Like Netmeds Based on Platform Choices

3. Design and User Experience

You can make your app visually appealing by investing in a user-friendly design. But depending on app customization and complexity, the cost will increase.

Cost Estimation for Medicine Delivery Apps Like Netmeds Based on Design and UX

[Also Read - Challenges and Solutions in Healthcare App Development]

4. Backend Infrastructure and APIs

Your Netmeds clone app needs a robust backend to handle user data and properly integrate with third-party services. You can also go for common API integrations like analytics, geolocation services, and payment gateways.

Cost Estimation for Medicine Delivery Apps Like Netmeds Based on Backend and APIs

5. Development Team

When hiring a development team, focus on their expertise, hourly rates, and location. A professional development team includes UI/UX designers, project managers, QA engineers, and developers.

Cost Estimation for Medicine Delivery Apps Like Netmeds Based on the Development Team

Tips to Reduce the Cost of Building a Netmeds Clone App

Developing a Netmeds clone app might require a huge investment, but you can reduce the price by following these tips:

Ways to Reduce Netmeds Clone App Development Cost

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1. Develop an MVP

Before investing in more complex features, you can develop an app MVP with core functions and get user feedback. It reduces overspending on unnecessary features by helping you identify what is effective and what requires improvement.

Key Features:

  • Focus on Core Functions: Include essential functions, like order management, medication search, user registration, and payment integration.
  • Iterative Development: Create new features in response to customer input and market needs.

Cost Reduction Impact:

  • Reduces initial development costs by 40% to 60%.
  • Provides a quicker time-to-market.

2. Use Cross-Platform Development

Instead of developing separate apps, you can opt for cross-platform development. Use technologies like React Native or Flutter to create a single codebase that works on both iOS and Android. It will save you time and money.

Key Features:

  • Use Cross-Platform Frameworks: Use frameworks that reduce development time and support code reuse.
  • Optimize Performance: Make sure the app performs well on both platforms.

Cost Reduction Impact:

  • Reduces development time and costs by 30% to 40%.
  • Simplifies maintenance and updates with a single codebase.

3. Use Open-Source Solutions

You can use pre-built modules and open-source libraries for common functions. It will save you a lot of money and time during development. These sources offer reliable solutions that you can easily integrate into your app.

Key Features:

  • Use Reusable Components: For functions like payment processing, geolocation, and user authentication, use open-source libraries.
  • Ensure Compatibility: Verify that the open-source components are compatible with your app’s architecture.

Cost Reduction Impact:

  • Reduces development costs by 20% by removing the need to create features from scratch.
  • Reduces development time and accelerates the launch.

4. Use Cloud Services

You can eliminate the need for hardware and decrease maintenance costs by using cloud services for backend infrastructure and hosting. The cloud platform offers scalable solutions that can expand with your app.

Key Features:

  • Select Cloud Providers: Use services like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure for flexible and cost-effective backend solutions.
  • Scale as Required: Start with minimal resources and scale up based on user demand and app growth.

Cost Reduction Impact:

  • Cuts upfront infrastructure costs by up to 50%.
  • Provides scalability and reduces ongoing maintenance expenses.

Revenue Models for the Netmeds Clone App

After Netmeds clone medicine delivery app development, you can choose one of these three revenue models to earn money:

Revenue Models for the Netmeds Clone App

1. Commission-Based Model

This common revenue model is used by several on-demand mobile apps, and you can use it too. Under this model, you can charge a small commission fee from healthcare providers and pharmacy companies to sell their medicines on your platform. The commission you earn will depend on the daily sales or units sold.

2. Featured Listing

A featured list is ideally present on the homepage or in the search bar. It contains a list of sponsored pharma companies or drug stores.

3. Advertising

You can earn ads on your platform by selling the advertising space to e-wallet companies, insurance companies, pharma companies, hospital chains, brands, and diagnostic centers.

How Can Protonshub Help You Develop a Netmeds Clone App?

Successful building and launch of the Netmeds clone app require careful planning, understanding of market needs, and investment in technology. You must also hire a trusted company like Protonshub Technologies to build a medicine delivery app without fail.

Our team of professionals has a thorough understanding of the healthcare market. We keep you updated throughout the app development process and take your regular feedback for continuous improvement.

So, don’t wait anymore. Otherwise, you will miss out on the opportunity to create the greatest Netmeds clone app.

Contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

When building a Netmeds clone app, follow these best practices:
  • Plan your app’s features and designs.
  • Hire a team of skilled developers.
  • Build and thoroughly test your app.
  • Launch your app in the app stores.

Your Netmeds clone app should have features like user registration and login, shopping cart and online payment, prescription upload, medicine catalog, order tracking, search, push notifications, filters, and more.

Determining the exact cost of building a Netmeds clone app is not easy. That’s because the cost depends on multiple factors like app features and complexity, the development team, platform choice, backend infrastructure, API integration, testing and QA, compliance and security, and more. But on average, you can expect to pay between $5,000 to $30,000.

Developing a medicine delivery app similar to Netmeds can take from 3 to 6 months or more. The timeline depends on the app’s features, complexity, development team, and other factors.

Yes, you need to get the necessary license and permits to legally start a medicine delivery app like Netmeds.

Ekta Singh

"Senior Content Writer"

Ekta Singh is a rookie food experimentalist and k-drama fan with 4+ years of experience in writing. Bridging gaps between companies and customers through conversion-driven content is her forte. She believes in writing stories for a living and living life for exploring places.