Microservices The Shining Star Of New Age IT Infrastructure


“Changing design patterns and race to substantiate the modern design and delivery approach Microservices architecture has been the face of the shift and has been a potential front runner in mainstream design process and methodology”.

For ages, monolithic architecture has been the spearhead of IT design and delivery and delivery but Microservices have brought the modern way of building applications. In this architecture, all the components are divided into small components independent of each other. So each component is called Microservices. Each service will have its own presentation layer, data layer, etc. And also, has its own database.

Likewise, you can split it into various microservices architectures such that they will be independent of each other. Let’s understand how Microservices has differentiated itself from conventional monolithic architecture and what factors signify its importance on DevOps and its digital acceleration.

Monolithic Architecture

Monolithic architecture is the conventional old-fashioned way of developing applications. The architecture of Monolithic application development is designed as such that all the variable components of an application will be clubbed and combined as one larger application, all these smaller units are closely coupled with each other such that even if you try to separate them they would still act as a single application and any attempt made to make changes in any of the application units will impact the functionality of other units in the application.

Monolithic Architecture

Any technology that has survived in the ecosystem definitely has some fundamental benefits that have helped the technology to flourish and sustain. Following are some of the advantages that a monolithic Application Development process acquires:

  • Easier and more convenient mode of development.
  • Testing the application is relatively much easier with the help of automation test ing tools.

Why Not Monolithic Architecture?

Monolithic architecture may be a developer-friendly way of developing applications but has its own challenges that lead to the rise of Microservices.

  • Since the development incorporates many small application units to make a larger application with an increase in the code base most of the time one code can compromise the functionality of the other code and hence the application stability goes down.
  • A Fault or bug in one of the units can hamper the performance of the entire application.
  • Scalability of the application is a bigger challenge as any scalability means scaling up the entire application irrespective of need and requirement making it a costly and time-consuming affair.

Microservices! The Modern-Day Business Paradox

Microservices! The Modern-Day Business Paradox

The modern-day application building methodology. In this architecture, all the smaller units are divided into individual units that are independent of each other. In such a case, every unit is called a Microservice. Every service will have its own specific presentation layer, data layer, and database. Whether it be AWS microservices, Azure Microservices , or Java Microservices, the assistance of any of the mentioned creates the difference.

Why Do Modern-Day Businesses Need Microservices?

Microservices architectures have been a prime choice of application development mode by web-scale companies such as Netflix, Amazon, Zee5, etc. The business model is a web Derivative, i.e., their business models heavily rely upon their technology (operating model) and business is indistinguishable. Microservices are the most apt development model because of their ability to

  • Manage multiple units independently.
  • Manage large-size code base with utmost precision without interfering in the other unit operations.
  • Scale up easily as and when required.
  • Flexibility in implementing different technology and framework and still communicate without any glitches.
  • Since Microservices are independent of each other hence it makes them a higher fault-tolerant environment. Interestingly these new-generation tools have made an everlasting impact on the Development and Operations of DevOps, leading to
  • Better code management
  • Efficient and independent deployability
  • Faster delivery
  • Workload management
  • Decentralized automated processes

Summing Up

At Protonshub, you will get to choose from an enormous pool of professionals who have worked for startups, SMEs and enterprises. As a <%= link_to 'software development company', root_path, class: 'blog-linking', target: "_blank" %>, we are the ultimate choice of organizations for providing high-end Microservices solutions. We are the preferred choice of clients because of our ability to provide them with the best services at the most competitive price.

Garima Soni

Garima Soni

"Content Writer"

Creative writer by day and binge-watcher by night, Garima Soni brings a unique perspective to her writing. She infuses her work with authenticity and a keen understanding of subjects to enchant and engage readers. Garima believes each piece of writing should leave users feeling inspired and empowered.

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